The following is a collection of comments from a forum on fox news that asked people to comment on why they think McCain lost… Very interesting to see the insight as well as passion/fear that people have today.
(taken from:
Comment by John
My first reaction is that McCainl lost because he didn’t really appeal to the conservative base enough but that is wrong. I am a staunch conservative and I voted for McCain because I truly fear that Obama is moving us in a direction that represents a serious threat to our nation. The move towards bigger government and socialism will result in a less competitive society. We are staring poverty and dependency in the face. John McCain lost because he ran a relatively lousy campaign against a guy who actually appealed to a whole lot of stupid people who actually believe big government can provide all their needs. Race was also an issue inasmuch as many blacks who would otherwise disagree with Obama on policy voted for him simply because he is black.
As H.L. Menchen once observed, “We will get what we asked for, and get it hard!”
Comment by Bemused
I think Obama won because America has lost it’s moral grounding. It’s ok to murder a baby as it is being born, it’s ok to turn your back on Yeshua Adonai, it’s ok to talk the talk - but have no idea how to walk the walk. American, despite the rewriting of history books - was a country founded by folks who wanted to practice Puritan ethics. Even the Washington monument has Christianity built into it’s structure. Do you know what the cap plate on the structure says? Might want to look it up. This country was founded on the basis of keeping the state from messing with religion as it did in England. It has turned into keeping religion out of government - big mistake.
There is a reason there is no reference to the west in biblical prophecy. Russia, China, Iraq, Iran, Saudia Arabia, Afghanistan can all be readily found - the US? (And don’t say it’s because of the age of the bible and the US didn’t exist then - the Bible talks about “the bear from the North” - and you know what country is directly North of Israel? Russia - and Moscow … I doubt if the bear was the symbol for russian in biblical times.
I am terribly afraid that God will no longer “shed his grace” on this country. I pray I am wrong.
McCain lost because he is an honorable man. Obama won because he is smoke and mirrors - a blank slate where people can see what they want. Susbstance lost. Form won.
It will be interesting to see where we go from here … If our enemies wanted Obama to win - that might have been a clue.
Comment by Mary
It is a sad day when we elect a man because of the color of his skin. This was a race won on a man’s race, not on issues. McCain lost I believe, first because nothing happens without God allowing it to happen, and second because of McCain’s age. He did not have the charisma that was needed to draw the young crowd. I wonder if McCain had been black how this election would have panned out. Or if Obama had been white, how would this have panned out? It is a scary thought that Obama’s weak understanding on national defense and the willingness to talk to terrorist how we will fair “if” we get attacked ever again. The young generation does not remember tragic events that many of us have experienced. How have we even forgotten September 11, 2001? The economy will recover with smart planning, but we may never recover if we get attacked again and again. Do you honestly believe Barack Obama will lead us through a victory? The reason we have not been attacked again was because of George Bush’s strong national policies. I, too, am a born again Christian and I do believe God is in control. God will return to get his people. Is this the beginning of Christ’s return? I don’t know, but I do know that we should be ready at all times. Anyone who is left behind, God have mercy on them. Oh, who will the Democrats blame now when things don’t work out? Can’t blame George Bush - People WAKE UP!
Comment by Tony Tiger
The liberals were right. There is no GOD. This election proves that point.
Comment by Whitney
To Tony the Tiger the reason God didn’t help us is b/c we turned our backs on Him!!!!!!!!!!`
Comment by Donna Hammond
First, Mcain never had a chance due to the fact of the unbelievable media bias.
Secondly, all the voter registration irregularities and fraud that were flagged in fifteen states against two organizations Acorn and Get Out the Vote just seemed to be swept under the rug, so if in fact voter fraud accrued in this election it will never be investigated or exposed.
Next, It all comes down to the almighty dollar and that money can buy anything, even historical dreams.
Finally, It is a sad day because change has come to the United States of America, everyday as I followed this election I realized that even though we are suppose to be a country that is governed by “We the People” and ensures justice by applying the Rule of Law to all, which is then suppose to be kept in checked by the media, who is suppose to be fair and balanced. These procedures were ignored and simply not applied in this election, Why? because it was held hostage by an coordinated agenda set for “The Chosen One” by powerful: the MEDIA, POLITICIANS,and WALL STREET. Justice was blind in this election and I can only pray and ask God to bless, protect, and give America and Mcain strength for the next four years!!! MAKE NO MISTAKE HISTORY WAS MADE, the greatest and biggest con job was pulled off - “THE 2008 PRESIDENTAL ELECTION”.
Comment by Mike
Supreme court justices:
Stevens - 88 years old
Scalia - 72
Kennedy - 72
Souter - 69
Ginsburg - 75
Beyer - 70
How many retiring justices do you think Obama and the dems will get to replace during this term (Roberts, Thomas and Alito are too young)?
Comment by Carol Henson
Because God has either given up on America (understandable when we look at abortion, pornography, homosexuality, and the total moral decline of our nation), or to speed up His plan for the last days. I believe we will now see Isreal bomb Iran (before Obama takes office) or Iran bomb Isreal (after he takes office). Just as Biden predicted, we will see the worst act of terrorism against our nation in its history - because the terrorists believe we have a President who will take no stand against the Muslim extremist. American Christians are going to come under great persecution before this is over. My great sorrow is not for myself, but for my children and grandchildren. God, have mercy on us!
Comment by Barb
McCain lost because there are a lot of ignorant people in this country who voted on emotion (and race) rather than on facts. And with Obama owning the media the way he did, how could you expect them to get the facts? I fear for this country - America has been dumbing down for awhile and this election proved it. I wonder what Obama’s first order will be - hmmm - he’ll probably ask to have the constitution redrafted in multiple languages to “make it fair” for everyone, starting with Spanish and “Ebonics”.
Comment by Kevin Tipton
Palin has no experience? Hmmmm, a Governor of a State overseeing 29,000 employees, the National Guard, and responsible for 20% of our domestic oil. She fought those in her own party and won on charges of corruption. A Governor with an 80% aproval record. I guess Bill Clinton was unqualified also. Huh??
Barry: A former community organizer, part-time Illinois Senator and part-time U.S. Senator voting “present” most of the time. Experience????
Do you see the difference? Probably not, since you’re part of the “Don’t confuse me with the facts, my mind’s made up” crowd.
Comment by Greg Mankins
God is in control. He condemns Abortion and Homosexuality.
This nation was founded on God and the christian religion.
I voted for McCain because the republican party is closest to the teachings of God.
Both Obama and Biden are pro-choice and supports gay rights.
God is patient but His wrath will come on this country if we do not change.
Comment by Don
Let’s face it, McCain was the media’s choice to be Republican candidate and he received very favorable media coverage until after the primaries were over.
This entire election has been a sham pulled off by the far-left elite of this country.
This is a sad day in American history.
Comment by Paul
I’ve looked at many of the statements listed here. How can we thing Obama is a socialist or communist? How many of us would spend time with a domestic terrorist that got off on a technicality? And don’t give me the eight year old bit, Obama was in his thirties. What about the former spokesperson of the PLO? That should make Israel feel real secure. Look at some of his statements, “Share the wealth”, “Form a civilian military” That’s similiar to Karl Marxx and Hitler. In January we hand over the keys to our weapons, defense and military secrets to a man that has shown his distaste for our military and for our standards. His party has demonstrated and openly said they will cut defense spending by 25%. They will take away our right to bear arms. They want to impose a “fairness” doctrine which really means they want to eliminate anyone that doesn’t agree with them. I was a Democrat for many years but I know longer see the Party of Jack Kennedy. Today he would be a moderate Republican. Maybe the Dems should watch FOX, CNN, NBC, CBS and all the others and see what is really going on in the world.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
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